
2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Huge Success!

Many thanks to Keith Edwards, Ken Schwartz, the kitchen crew, and to The St. Paul’s Irish Singers (a.k.a., the Choir) for their diligence and hard work in making this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Dinner such a wonderful success!  Attendance was twice what it was last year, with several families from the neighborhood in attendance. And [...]

2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Huge Success!2018-03-21T16:49:07-05:00

Bishop Wolf Visits St. Paul’s on Easter Sunday

St. Paul’s was honored to host Bishop Gerayln Wolf, Assistant Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, on Easter Day.  Bishop Wolf celebrated the glories of the Resurrection with us by celebrating High Mass.

Bishop Wolf Visits St. Paul’s on Easter Sunday2018-04-11T14:44:37-05:00

First Prayer Day is “transformative”

Our first Prayer Day, part of the Prayer Covenant with Bishop Provenzano, was this last Saturday afternoon, March 10. The session was structured as a workshop-practicum, and Lilo Carr-Rivera guided the six-member group through three different methods of prayer.  It proved to be a moving and rewarding experience for everyone involved, one participant describing it [...]

First Prayer Day is “transformative”2018-03-15T15:23:46-05:00