Boiler/Water Meter Project Success!

//Boiler/Water Meter Project Success!

Boiler/Water Meter Project Success!

We are very excited to announce that we have met our fundraising goal of $15,000 for the Boiler/Water Meter Project; in fact, we exceeded it by $600!  And a month ahead of the deadline, too!  This is a considerable achievement, and our sincerest gratitude goes to everyone who contributed.  Jehovah-jireh! (The Lord provides!).  As you are thanking yourselves and your fellow parishioners for a job well done, also take time to thank Ben Ellis.  He has been the point person on all this for several months now and has spent many, many hours working diligently on your behalf to see these projects to their completion.  The work is almost complete.  Thank you, Ben!

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Wallace
